About us

The World is changing: an ever wider variety of products, styles and brands are addressing us in our everyday lives, influencing us, flooding us with impulses, and shaping our thoughts and feelings. In this rather overburdened environment, we strive to guide our customers, keeping in mind quality and sustainability and providing transparent and perfectionist services.

In the last 10 years, our design work has included a number of flats, hotels, public buildings and hospitality spaces. Our goal is not only to keep up to date with trends, but also to dictate them − ahead of them. By combining our vision with the needs of our clients, we ultimately strive to create a clear, uniform image and HARMONY.


At MOTIFA DESIGN, we create authentic spaces, which reflect the personality, needs and desires of the customer. An interior exactly matching expectations provides the environment reflecting a deeply desired harmony even throughout the customer’s life, which will only get better with usage and the passage of time. Our vision is to create timeless quality in the interiors we design, while increasing the quality of life with our interior design solutions and the use of quality textures and materials.

Mónika Szommer

Lead Interior Architect
I am fascinated by the power of well told stories, the spatial experience shaped by a precise sense of proportion and openness to change. Because the change that comes from within, but shapes our living space, will inevitably affect us. There are a lot of popular misconceptions about what can and cannot be done in interior design. The designer’s openness is important, let’s dare to think freely, so we can create much more exciting spaces.

Fanni Sokorai-Gyurics

Lead Interior Designer
Time, memory, surfaces and imperfection merge into a single movement, which inspires me in my work. The senses lead to the discovery of new forms of expression, at the end of which my only goal is the same, which is also the cornerstone of all my projects at the same time: perfection. I am a fan of deep, expressive colours, artworks and different textures. With this momentum, I plunge myself into my eventful everyday life.